In the unfortunate event you receive unwanted calls from any phone number allocated to Lanonyx Telecom, we want to help!

Lanonyx Telecom is a UK Communications provider and number range holder. Our number ranges have been allocated to us by Ofcom, the industry regulator.

If you receive an unwanted call a quick internet search might uncover Lanonyx Telecom as the Number Range Holder, however, it is unlikely to be us trying to contact you. We host a vast amount of telephone numbers, routing millions of calls for customers each and every day, therefore it is more likely the calling phone number has been assigned to one of our customers or a reseller. There might even be a possibility that the calling number has been ported to an alternative communications provider.

We ask anyone experiencing unwanted calls to contact us via email detailing the phone number that is calling you as well as the number being called. With this information we will investigate the name of the company who has the phone number allocated so we can advise you on what the best steps to take to ensure the unwanted calls stop.

We are not in the market to make nuisance calls, it gives the telecoms industry a bad name and a lot of harmful press can be written against innocent parties, therefore we want to stop nuisance calls in its tracks!
